アフリカ州/ガーナ国歌「神よ、祖国ガーナを祝福し給え」 の変更点

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CENTER:&size(30){God bless our homeland Ghana};&br;&br;

CENTER:&size(28){God bless our homeland Ghana};&br;&br;





*歌詞全文 [#q35cfa5a]

|God bless our homeland Ghana&br;And make our nation great and strong,&br;Bold to defend forever&br;The cause of Freedom and of Right;&br;Fill our hearts with true humility,&br;Make us cherish fearless honesty,&br;And help us to resist oppressors' rule&br;With all our will and might for evermore. &br;And help us to resist oppressors' rule&br;With all our will and might for evermore.||

|God bless our homeland Ghana&br;And make our nation great and strong,&br;Bold to defend forever&br;The cause of Freedom and of Right;&br;Fill our hearts with true humility,&br;Make us cherish fearless honesty,&br;And help us to resist oppressors' rule&br;With all our will and might for evermore. &br;And help us to resist oppressors' rule&br;With all our will and might for evermore.|神よ、祖国ガーナを祝福し給え&br;偉大な国、強き国へと成し給え&br;いかなるときも果敢に守らん&br;自由と権利の大義を&br;真の謙遜にて我らの心を満たし&br;恐れを知らぬ公正さを抱かせよ&br;我らが意思と力をもって&br;圧制者の支配へ抗う助けとなれ&br;我らが意思と力をもって&br;圧制者の支配へ抗う助けとなれ|
|Hail to thy name, O Ghana,&br;To thee we make our solemn vow:&br;Steadfast to build together&br;A nation strong in Unity;&br;With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,&br;Whether night or day, in mist or storm,&br;In every need, whate'er the call may be,&br;To serve thee, Ghana, now and for evermore.&br;In every need, whate'er the call may be,&br;To serve thee, Ghana, now and for evermore.||
|Raise high the flag of Ghana&br;and one with Africa advance;&br;Black star of hope and honour&br;To all who thirst for liberty;&br;Where the banner of Ghana freely flies,&br;May the way to freedom truly lie;&br;Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,&br;And under God march on for evermore! &br;Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,&br;And under God march on for evermore!||
|Hail to thy name, O Ghana,&br;To thee we make our solemn vow:&br;Steadfast to build together&br;A nation strong in Unity;&br;With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,&br;Whether night or day, in mist or storm,&br;In every need, whate'er the call may be,&br;To serve thee, Ghana, now and for evermore.&br;In every need, whate'er the call may be,&br;To serve thee, Ghana, now and for evermore.|汝の名を讃えん、嗚呼ガーナよ&br;汝へ、我らは厳粛に誓う&br;確固たる意志で&br;団結した強い国をともに築くと&br;その心に恵みを、その腕に強さを抱き&br;昼も夜も、霧の中でも嵐吹く中でも&br;どんな苦難にも、どんな呼び声であろうとも&br;ガーナよ、いかなる時も汝に仕えると誓おう&br;どんな苦難にも、どんな呼び声であろうとも&br;ガーナよ、いかなる時も汝に仕えると誓おう|
|Raise high the flag of Ghana&br;and one with Africa advance;&br;Black star of hope and honour&br;To all who thirst for liberty;&br;Where the banner of Ghana freely flies,&br;May the way to freedom truly lie;&br;Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,&br;And under God march on for evermore! &br;Arise, arise, O sons of Ghana land,&br;And under God march on for evermore!|ガーナの旗を高く掲げよ&br;そしてアフリカの進歩の旗をも掲げよ&br;希望と栄誉の黒き星は&br;自由を渇望する全ての人のために&br;ガーナの旗が自由にはためくところには&br;自由への道が続かんことを&br;立ち上がれ、ガーナの地の子らよ&br;神の許、歩み続けんことを&br;立ち上がれ、ガーナの地の子らよ&br;神の許、歩み続けんことを|

*歌詞逐語訳 [#ga44fe09]

|God |bless |our |homeland |Ghana |

|And |make |our |nation |great |and |strong, |

|Bold |to |defend |forever |

|The |cause |of |Freedom |and |of |Right; |

|Fill |our |hearts |with |true |humility, |

|Make |us |cherish |fearless |honesty, |

|And |help |us |to |resist |oppressors' |rule |

|With |all |our |will |and |might |for |evermore. |

|And |help |us |to |resist |oppressors' |rule |

|With |all |our |will |and |might |for |evermore. |


|Hail |to |thy |name, |O |Ghana, |

|To |thee |we |make |our |solemn |vow: |

|Steadfast |to |build |together |

|A |nation |strong |in |Unity; |

|With |our |gifts |of |mind |and |strength |of |arm, |

|Whether |night |or |day, |in |mist |or |storm, |

|In |every |need, |whate'er |the |call |may |be, |

|To |serve |thee, |Ghana, |now |and |for |evermore. |

|In |every |need, |whate'er |the |call |may |be, |

|To |serve |thee, |Ghana, |now |and |for |evermore. |

|Raise |high |the |flag |of |Ghana |

|and |one |with |Africa |advance; |

|Black |star |of |hope |and |honour |

|To |all |who |thirst |for |liberty; |

|Where |the |banner |of |Ghana |freely |flies, |

|May |the |way |to |freedom |truly |lie; |

|Arise, |arise, |O |sons |of |Ghana |land, |

|And |under |God |march |on |for |evermore! |

|Arise, |arise, |O |sons |of |Ghana |land, |

|And |under |God |march |on |for |evermore! |


*特記事項 [#g36c693e]

National Pledge 
National Pledge
|I promise on my honour&br;to be faithful and loyal to&br;Ghana my motherland.&br;I pledge myself to the service of Ghana&br;with all my strength and with all my heart.&br;I promise to hold in high esteem.&br;Our heritage, won for us through the blood and toil of our fathers; and I pledge myself in&br;all things to uphold and defend the good name of Ghana.&br;So help me God.||